More food that would

otherwise get discarded now

gets to those who need it

About Us

Board of Directors

Howard Dembs
Mindi Fynke
Rabbi Joseph Krakoff
Lee Schottenfels
Howard M. Schwartz

Thank You to Our Founder’s Circle:

Eli A. Scherr
Linda & Leonard Sahn
Robin & Howard M. Schwartz


Nathan Leader
Mindi Fynke
Ilene & David Techner
Richard & Valerie Leebove
Jeremy Wolfe Family Foundation


Shelley & Michael Eizelman
Mark Niehaus
Marjorie & Maxwell Jospey Foundation
Norman A. & Susan L Pappas Family Support Foundation
Howard & Iris Rosen
Dan & Miry Serlin
Alden Toevs & Judi Wolf

We have grown quickly from the early days of picking up banquet food. In 2021, we rescued one million pounds of food that would have been thrown away and delivered it to distribution sites from Westland to West Bloomfield.

Now, we have trucks on the road 6 days a week, picking up food from 27 locations and dropping it off, in partnership with more than 50 partner food banks.

Some interesting rescues in 2022 & 2023 include;

• Aug ‘23 - 30,000+ lbs from a Target after a power outage

• Aug ‘23 - 700 Sandwiches & 40 Pizzas - Lawrence Tech

• July & Aug - 104,550 lbs of cucumbers - 2.5 Semi Trucks

• July ‘23 - TED Climate Conference 3,040lbs catering food

• April ‘23 - 15,000 lbs of bananas from one big box store

• 1.5 MILLION MEALS worth of food rescued in 2022

• Cookie rescue - 52,000 lbs from two abandoned storage lockers.

• Week of 3/7 - picked up 14,120 lbs from one big box store alone.

• Bread - Now up to three full truckloads per week. That’s 10,000 loaves every week.

• Pallet of Tartar Sauce – (coincidentally during Lent)

We rescued an entire pallet from Mrs. Schwab (kosher/orthodox pantry) Pope Francis Center took the whole thing for their Friday Fish Fry.

• Oakland University Catering – Provided us with 800 Food Boxes from one event.

We would like to thank all those who have joined our Founder’s Circle. Your 5 year funding commitment is the foundation we will use to grow this organization and continue to grow the impact, feeding more and more people. With your support we will continue to WASTE LESS & FEED MORE.

Through the dedication of volunteers, and our small staff, we are committed to getting more fresh food from those who would otherwise discard it to those in need.